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The Roots of Psyops

Every waking moment and even in your sleep, you are bombarded with thousands of messages from the mass media designed to make you take action, sometimes against your better judgement. This is psyops, or psychological operations, conducted by governments, corporations and individuals to tilt the playing field for decision-making in their favour. How do they do that? To understand the fundamentals, one needs to explore the field of psychology upon which much of the mechanism for directing and influencing your decision-making processes is made. We start with an overview of the wellsprings of psychological theory and the way it pools into a central body of thought from which practitioners of mind control in various capacities draw ideas to frame their operations.  © 2000-2024 Tan Choon Hong. All rights reserved. THIS POST IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION:  TO BE UPDATED

Zodiac Power

  Kickstart your day with a dose of Zodiac Power! Feed your inner Greek god or goddess that rules over your zodiac sign and feel a surge of electrifying energy to prep you for any challenge ahead. #zodiacpower #kickstartyourday See all 12 designs here.

How psychology is abused to brainwash children and how parents can counter it.

In this post I shall expose the psyops masterminded by unscrupulous business entities to lure innocent children to consume their products, and how parents can counsel their kids against these insidious practices. As parents, we all want the best for our children. We want them to grow up healthy, happy, and well-adjusted individuals. Unfortunately, there are some deceitful advertisers who use psychological triggers to encourage children to buy products that are harmful to their growth and development. These products may include low nutrition snacks high in sugar and harmful fats, addictive gadgets, games and toys, faddish apparel and other goods that are not in their best interest.    Image created with the aid of Dall-E   Children mesmerised by a bewildering array of products at a candy store window. Advertisers use a variety of psychological techniques to manipulate children to open their wallets. One of the most effective strategies is through the use of celebrity endorsements. Child
Nanyang a graphic novel by Tan Choon Hong is now an eBook and Paperback on and Apple Books Over 100 pages of adventure romance. Love! Intrigue! Betrayal! Preview the contents here Watch the promo video An epic journey that spans the region the Chinese call Nanyang. Two brothers, hearing tales of a city where the streets are paved in gold, head south seeking a piece of the action. After a traumatic separation and several harrowing experiences, the brothers finally meet on opposite sides of the law.  Will they recognise each other as family or will loyalty to their masters triumph to turn them into deadly enemies?

Psyop Singapore: The PAP turned Singapore from marshland to metropolis.

Origins of Marshland to Metropolis It is unclear who actually made this claim and when. But it has been so oft repeated through the state-controlled media and the national education initiative that it has become gospel for the less questioning sectors of the population. Even foreign correspondents who failed to do due diligence have perpetuated this myth beyond the island’s shores.  Here we have the classic example of how propaganda works: “If you repeat an untruth often enough, people will come to believe it.” The truth about Marshland to Metropolis The truth is that Singapore was once a marshland but that was a long long time ago. Under the British who first colonised the island Singapore grew to be the premier city of its day, thanks to its strategic location in the middle of the South-east Asian archipelago and straddling the great sea lanes and air routes between east Asia and Europe. Singapore was the Far East HQ of the British Empire, hosting its naval and air ba

State-sponsored Public Art

Midst the controversy surrounding state funding for artistic endeavours and the boycott by some recipients against the donor’s interference in the creative process, i.e. censorship, one cannot help imagining the reason could be the oft quoted “He who pays the piper calls the tunes.”  Throughout history artists have an uneasy relationship with their governments as their work have the power to move people and frustrate government intentions. This has not stopped governments from using artists, sometimes under duress, as tools of propaganda or for self-glorification in state-sponsored plays, opera, and monumental sculptures and buildings. From the ancient worlds of Greece and Rome to modern day dictatorships, the state has tried to bend the creative process to its will, but never achieving total success. This is because true artists (not the mercenary ones) owe allegiance to one and only one party – their muse. Governments must face this hard truth. They can never buy respect an

Check out my other blogs

An idle mind is the devil's workshop. See what I'm dabbling in during my idle hours: Title:  Shanghai, Virtually Painted About:  Digitally rendered paintings of Shanghai with short commentaries . Site:   Title:  Nanyang, a Graphic Novel  About:  Two fortune-seeking brothers end up on opposite sides of the law. Site: Title:  Artistic Licensee About: Taking liberties in portraying the lighter side of life. Site: Title:  Psyops: The Battle for Your Mind About:  Exposing the covert use of psychology in propaganda. Site: Title:  Singapore, Virtually Painted About:  Digitally rendered paintings of Singapore with short commentaries. Site: Title:  Salon des refusés About:  Stories of rejections with happy endings Site: Title: